What is the exact meaning of NEPOTISM?

Unplugged Feelings

Hi Freinds, Writing on this topic just because I also want to understand what the hell is this Nepotism. Which is sounds like terrorism nowadays. Late. Actor Sushant Singh Rajput case is trending on social media, news channels, What’s app messages everywhere I found this word Nepotism. But I even don’t know the exact meaning of this word.

Let me share my thoughts on this, might be possible you also get to know the exact meaning of Nepotism.

Case 1.

If Mr. Mukesh Ambani launches his son in business and gives him an industry to take care.

Case 2.

If I help my brother to crack an interview in my company, where I am already employed.

Case 3.

If Director Rakesh Rohan makes a movie with only his son in the lead role?

Case 4.

If I got extra prasad in gurudwara just because of my friend who is serving?

Case 5.

If my girlfriend secure a seat on the bus for me with the help of luggage?

Please help me to understand the real exact condition of NEPOTISM.

In Case 1.

NO Comments (Taken wrong man name in case, even has the power to create a new dictionary. Then there will be no word like NEPOTISM).

In Case 2.

If I help my brother then it is not nepotism. It is love towards my brother and that my responsibility to help him to move forward isn’t it? But yes I reject the deserving candidate to give that job to my brother. Then It will be NEPOTISM. (Correct me if I am wrong).

In Case 3.

Rakesh Roshan cast his son in every movie which he directs only. And he is not taking audition and rejects many candidates to select his son. Then where is nepotism in this? Yes, but due to star power, he can recommend his son in the industry. Being a father nothing is wrong in it. (I think so)

In Case 4.

If my friend doing this then it is only friendship, he is not doing wrong with anyone, but doing a favor for his friend. Friendship is all about help and support. (Including give extra prasad).

In Case 5.

Well, that’s a rare case but if she is doing this then definitely it is nepotism. When I don’t have an opportunity to get a seat and someone is more deserving than me. But it got blocked for me by my girlfriend then according to me, it is NEPOTISM.

Still, this topic is debatable, Because I am still not confident about the situation of NEPOTISM.

Let’s meet in the next blog. bye, take care.